On the afternoon of Thursday 29/2/24, we had a great time touring our new church construction site with our project manager and IQ Construct representative.  We gained a greater appreciation of how large this project is and how exciting it will be to finally occupy this building once finished.  

Please keep praying and giving your “5 loaves and two fish” as we build our dream together!

Please remember that we are in a phase now where we need to show the banks that we have regular donations from our congregation.  We kindly ask you to please start sending regular donations (weekly, fortnightly, monthly) so that can keep proving to the bank that we have a regular income stream.

For donations, please use either account below and write in the description: ‘Church Project.’

Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Church Accounts
General Church Account:
Name: Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Church.
BSB.Number : 064001
Account number: 00922419    
Bank:- Commonwealth (CBA)

Building Fund Account (tax deductible):    
Name: Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Church School Building Fund.
BSB number : 064167          
Account number: 10100208      
Bank: Commonwealth (CBA)

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