Liturgical Services
Sunday | 6:00AM to 8:30AM
Sunday | 8:30AM to 11:00AM
Tuesday | 5:00AM to 7:00AM
Wednesday | 9:00AM to 11:30AM
Thursday | 5:00AM to 7:00AM
Saturday | 8:00AM to 10:00AM
About Us
About Us
The Coptic Orthodox Church is more than nineteen centuries old, and as such, is one of the oldest apostolic churches in the world and the largest Christian denomination in Africa and the Middle East.
Calendar & Events
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Learn about the services at Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Church.
Get the Latest News on our Church Building Project
2/3/2024 – Arise and Build Update
On the afternoon of Thursday 29/2/24, we had a great time touring our new church construction site with our project manager and IQ Construct representative. We gained a greater appreciation of how large this project is and how exciting it will be to finally...
20/2/2024 – Arise and Build Update
4 Tilt Panels installed so far. The rest will be installed by the end of the week. The Western, Northern and Southern walls of the church are almost completely erected. Please keep praying 🙏🏻✝️
17/2/2024 – Arise and Build Update
Continued columns pour Stormwater connections to Atlan tank – the tank is working as it should and has been capturing all the rainwater over the last week Precast Panel Manufacture continued Electrical In-Ground Services Visit to the warehouse to inspect the completed...