Firstly, thank you so much for your incredibly generous donations. We have been truly overwhelmed with your support whether in prayer or donations thus far.
As you can see the 1st stage of the church project is well on track to be finished by November. Let us contribute whatever we can to fulfil our dream.
Also help us to share this fundraising campaign to someone you know outside our parish to utilise the end of the financial year with tax deductible donations.
Donation Options:
1. Direct payment using your card number:
2. Direct Internet Banking Transfer:
Building Fund Account (tax deductible):
Name: Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Church School Building Fund.
BSB number : 064167
Account number: 10100208
Bank: Commonwealth (CBA)
Swift or BIC code: CTBAAU2S
3. If you would like a direct debit form, please send an email to
If you need a tax receipt, please email or contact our treasurer Dr Nagy Basily 0403691403.
Please pray for the success of this project for the glory of God’s holy name.
God bless you ✝️