Church Building Project
Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox church kindly seeks your support for the Church Development Project.Donate via Bank Transfer
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our church building project
Dear beloved congregation and supporters of our Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox church,
We are excited to announce that our new building project has commenced!
We thank you for your amazing support so far and appreciate your continued support as we need to keep working together to see the project to completion.
God bless,
Fr. David Mahrous & Fr. Matteous Wahba
Latest Message
Donate via
Direct Internet Banking Transfer
Account number: 10100208
Bank: Commonwealth (CBA)
Swift or BIC code: CTBAAU2S
Donate via Direct Debit Form
If you would like to make a reoccuring donation or donate via direct debit form, please send an email to
If you need a tax receipt, please email or contact our treasurer Dr Nagy Basily 0403691403.
Please pray for the success of this project for the glory of God’s holy name.
Churge Blog
The Latest News & Updates
9/5/2024 – Arise and Build Update
From 27/4 till 9/5, we have seen the installation of the roof rafters and the arrival of the church tower domes to be installed later this month. May God complete what He has started. Donation Options: 1. Direct payment using your card number:...
23/4/2024 – Arise and Build Update: Message from our Fundraising Committee
Firstly, thank you so much for your incredibly generous donations. We have been truly overwhelmed with your support whether in prayer or donations thus far. As you can see the 1st stage of the church project is well on track to be finished by November. Let...
19/4/2024 – Arise and Build Update
On Friday 19/4/2024, the installation of the remaining tilt panels was completed giving us a greater glimpse into how the church will look when completed. The perimeter of the three main doors into the 1st floor main church are now visible. The three eastern niches...